
31 October 2000

Just watched a documentary about I would love to live in the house. It would certainly solve the homeless situation we will be in on December 3rd. But what a way to live! Like living in a glasshouse but with the whole world looking in for free. I'm sure the web-world enjoys the voyeurism.

I don't like the rising popularity and pressure around Halloween. It all seems to be commercially driven because trick or treating by children is a new phenomenon in New Zealand. I prefer Guy Fawkes which has it's own set of adversaries and complaints.

Today we checked out a few houses from the outside. The ones we like are just beyond what we think our affordable price range is. It will be a mission finding accommodation in time.

I passed. I only spent 20 minutes of the hour allotted for the test. I passed. It was only a provisional result with some sections unmarked, but the worst course grade I could get would be a 'B', and I'm hoping for an 'A'.

And wouldn't you know it... for the small amount of time I spent doing the test, I got a parking ticket! For a grand total of $440, with $40 of it because I parked on a residents parking zone, and the rest as punishment for procrastination for not having registered and warranted the car. I was really philosophical and was treating it as a bad joke, but Drin got angry and into blame mode.

I was thinking of F* (I will use first initials to maintain confidentiality) while I was doing the test. I hope your appointment went well, or as well as it could.

29 October 2000

Just a wee note from reading my blog. I wish Blogger converted smileys.
Photocopying pages for colouring in for anatomy and physiology. Sounds childish, but it really increases my retention. I've certainly left study for this test later than usual, but I have had a lucky break. The midwife I'm working with this semester is busy for some of the day tomorrow, which means more study time for me :-D

28 October 2000

I will catch you up with the marae visit later. Currently trying to figure out archiving ;-p
I found a mouse trailer script that I like from Dynamic Drive. The rationale for adding it to my pages is that they are not all housed on the same server, and I limit the use of the target=self tag so I don't tick people off by hogging the address bar. So now visitors will realise that I have my own domain name of
Drin will be so happy. A Blog from U2. If I tell him about it he might even read mine to get the link ;-)

26 October 2000

Counting down to the end of the year and looking forward to more evenings to work on getting my web pages tidied up. Not that I exactly deprived myself of web time to knuckle down and be overly studious ;-)

Another presentation to our class today, and then an overnight marae stay tomorrow night. The kids are looking forward to it, but I was ticked off that even with heaps of notice Drin conveniently chooses to roster himself to work and excuses it by stating how irreplacible he is.

25 October 2000

Simple reminder to myself:

ALWAYS check my pages in Netscape.

No one responded to my plea for help checking my page. Maybe no one actually reads this Blog. But on a hunch I downloaded Netscape again and reinstalled it. I know that all pages should be checked in Netscape, but the last download took forever and didn't work, so I was putting it off. Now it's fixed!

24 October 2000

A wee problem with one of my site areas. Can anyone out there help? A woman who submits articles for a national midwifery journal was having problems accessing the URL that she is intending on publishing. (My site :-D wow!) If anyone reading this could check it out and email me. Just trying to figure out if it is a Fortune City problem, or a coding problem.

The World of KiwiNessie - Midwifery Index

My Guestbook is now all spruced up and ready for action. I have kept the Bravenet one as backup, and the Spirit book for if I go back into a Site Competition. Now my main Guestbook is from Phaistos. I have changed my main one because sometimes the Bravenet book cuts entries short.

Now I just need someone nice to christen it.

My next efforts will be directed to rounding out my Blog. According to Blog culture it seems appropriate to include a reading list and some Blog rings. That will be fun :)

I was actually going to get a bit of extra sleep because my daughter kept me awake last night, but then my internal lightbulb flashed and I realised I hadn't printed of my bibliography for my women's studies presentation.

23 October 2000

Inch by inch, I am updating my pages. My midwifery section is nearly polished and complete. I need to get the ball rolling and add my birth stories so that there is something there for people to read.

After a midwifery lecturer at Conference commented that my Reflective Journal had not been updated in a while, I made sure I spruced the page up and added more entries. My lecturer is currently reviewing my reflective journal for my course, so finishing the entries will have to wait. Having feedback about my journal was a timely reminder that even though I put up my pages for my own satisfaction, that people do actually visit them. LOL

This web publishing angle I will use to my advantage. The university want to use a logo that some of the students designed. I was concerned that copyright issues might be compromised and if we wished to use the logo at a later date that there would be no record of initial creation and ownership. The university has permission to use the logo, but we retain the rights. I should probably research copyright implications...but the first step will be publishing online the assignment that we submitted.

In utter lunacy I thought I might move my family pages to Homestead for the collaboration and easy building option. Their site and tools, and even FTP are slow. I will try it out and see how it works out.

Are there any hosts that are better at collaboration?

22 October 2000

The current blog page now seems to be working satisfactorily. Now to add permalinks and archive details. Then deal to the archive pages.

The difficulty has been to find a place to hold the pages that allows FTP, and doesn't have a banner that will mess the page up. Red Rival fits the bill completely, but FTP is down at the moment. How reliable are they? So here we are at Spaceports for reliability :)

21 October 2000

I am missing my reflective journal. I've attended 4 births this week and will have to wait for class before I can write. I am thrilled to have attended 8 births so far, and be ahead for the next two years.

I am feeling philosophical. Our landlords visited today to say that we have 6 weeks notice and will need to move out just before Christmas. If we hadn't had a hint of the news beforehand we would have been gutted. There is a remote possibility of a purchase in the pipeline, but I don't want to get too excited about it. Thank goodness we weren't doing Christmas lunch or dinner at our place this year!

I'm being a good wee Open Directory editor and am running through the Internet Detective tutorial to tune up my site assessment skills.

I'm currently juggling the OPD, Net Sisters, my aromatherapy club, and the sites I maintain. This seems to be a happy balance. No more site competitions for a while. They don't seem to achieve much, other than fellowship, and require a lot of time and dedication.

20 October 2000

Blog, blog, blog. I just added a post and it disappeared.
Trying to edit this blog. It is a mission!