
25 March 2001

Little Gems

  • 12/02/2001

    Jury duty - one of those democratic institutions that has probably operated the same for eons.

    Last time I did jury service i was selected for two trials. Maybe something about me comes across as being good jury material.

    Mine was the first name out of the ballot and I didn't get challenged. I had to ask to be excused because the case was expected to go for 6 weeks! I am back at university in 2 weeks and I'm really looking forward to being back.

    I sure hope I get loads of my web stuff finished by then.

    Things are strained and in a muddle between Adrian and I at the moment. I love him, I love him, and I'm tired, tired of all the confusion, hurt, and miscommunication.

    He might not feel or think the same way I do, but ignoring me does not work. Just because Adrian might consider what I think or feel is not important to him doesn't mean it's not important to me! And he'd better take notice when I'm unhappy or I'll walk my unhappy butt out the door and take a day away for some time out.

    Being back at uni will resove some of this. I'll be reimmersed in my passion and kept busy and stimulated. We won't be in each other's faces all the time. It won't resolve Drin's issues that I don't meet his expectations with housework, or express affection towards him as much as he'd like.

  • 15/02/2001 - A wonderful dinner in a beautiful setting. Today was very emotional.

    Adrian and I have been so distant. I know he loves me and that he cares, but I need him to understand how lonely my life can be with him working nights.

    I am feeling very peaceful at the moment.

  • 19/02/2001 - Jury service over. I was able to stick with my beliefs about the case. Afterwards, one of the court staff agreed with me about my decision. I guess she's heard umpteen cases, so I felt a wee bit better.

  • 07/03/2001 - I have very limited net time now that I'm back at university. I figure with family, the on call component with births, study, and assignments that there is little to spare to play. And my computer play time is split between the internet and Sims :D
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